How Rhinophyma Develops
This condition is mainly found in those who suffer from rosacea, a common skin concern that is characterised by the flushing of the face. As rosacea progresses, it is possible that the nose can become red and swollen, ultimately changing its surface and shape. Once this swelling occurs, the sebaceous glands can become much bigger, creating an unfavourable appearance.
Rhinophyma usually only develops when cases of rosacea have been left untreated for numerous years. Although rosacea affects more women than men, rhinophyma is prevalent in fair-skinned men between the ages of 50 and 70.

What Causes Rhinophyma?
Despite many studies by medical professionals across the globe, nobody has managed to truly understand what causes rhinophyma, apart from linking its occurrence to those who have suffered from rosacea for numerous years. Yet, some people suffer from rhinophyma without ever having experienced rosacea.
Also, despite popular belief, there is no relationship between drinking alcohol and the development of rhinophyma.
Rhinophyma is graded from mild to severe, with treatments varying to match. Once rhinophyma has been diagnosed with a clear distortion of the nose, surgery is usually needed to improve the situation.

In the example above, surgery was performed and received exceptionally well, improving the cosmetic appearance of the nasal area greatly. Although the patient was overjoyed with the result, this surgery is not a cure for rhinophyma and follow-up treatments are often required to try and keep the condition at bay.
Surgical Treatment of Rhinophyma
Treating rhinophyma can be a challenging ordeal that may require a combination of various treatment options. In most cases, surgical procedures are required. When treating rhinophyma, the aim of treatment is to usually remove any excess tissue whilst restoring the natural shape of the nose. Treatment options include, use of a scalpel, laser therapy or dermabrasion.
At The Beauty Gurus the scalpel is usually the preferred mode of treatment as it can effectively shave down the bumps induced by rhinophyma in an extremely controlled manner, whilst enabling a real time assessment of the final shape. Dermabrasion involves effectively sanding down the upper layers of the skin, but has been known to cause scarring and permanent pigment changes.
It is essential that the Post op management of these cases is well controlled. At The Beauty Gurus we deal with the extended period of dressings needed, “in house” by our highly trained staff to ensure the best possible outcome for our patients.
It is important to point out that whilst the above treatments are effective in removing any excess skin and reshaping the nose, they do not cure rhinophyma. As a result, the problem may reoccur and may require additional treatment.
What Are The Risks And Side Effects Of Surgery?
Usually, having cosmetic surgery is an extremely positive experience with very few complications or issues arising. However, as with any treatment, there is always a risk.
There are advantages and disadvantages to all of the above treatment options. Your specialist at The Beauty Gurus will discuss the right option for you and your specific concern prior to your treatment.
What Is The Estimated Time For Recovery, Absence From Work And Return To Usual Activities?
The downtime required after treatment will vary from individual to individual, however, we usually recommend that patients set aside 4-6 weeks to fully recover from the surgery. After this time, the skin should start to look smoother and the nose should be in a more desirable shape!
Risks and Recovery
Usually, having cosmetic surgery is an extremely positive experience with very few complications or issues arising. However, as with any treatment, there is always a risk.
There are advantages and disadvantages to all of the above treatment options. Your specialist at The Beauty Gurus will discuss the right option for you and your specific concern prior to your treatment.
Rhinophyma treatment timeline
The downtime required after treatment will vary from individual to individual, however, we usually recommend that patients set aside 4-6 weeks to fully recover from the surgery. After this time, the skin should start to look smoother and the nose should be in a more desirable shape!
Before and After
Fee Range
Rhinophyma treatment
starting from £3995