Once you have decided that cosmetic surgery is the best route for you, there are usually different procedures available, depending on exactly what you would like to achieve. Many men and women cite that their middle is a cause for concern as it can be challenging to tone up your tummy when gravity, weight fluctuations or pregnancy have all taken their toll.

Although liposuction remains a popular body contouring procedure, often a tummy tuck is the appropriate surgical solution, particularly if skin elasticity has been compromised. Even if you’re opting for a tummy tuck, though, there are two broad tummy tuck options you can go for: the full or mini tummy tuck.

Full Tummy Tuck

This is ideal if you have gained and lost a lot of weight, maybe yo-yoing over the years, and are now in a position where you’re struggling with carrying too much weight and having an abundance of excess, sagging skin. The full tummy tuck is designed to help remove the skin that has lost its natural elasticity, it also tightens the muscles beneath the skin that have also lost their natural stretch.

Mini Tummy Tuck

The mini tummy tuck isn’t appropriate for everyone, but if you have a small pouch or excess sagging skin low on the abdomen then this could be the procedure for you. Often very slim and toned men and women find this area is resistant to diet and exercise.

The mini tummy tuck is best for those who are not trying to lose weight as part of this process. Excess skin is a challenge for a lot of people because the fact is that once it has become stretched, there is a limit to how much it will ever be able to return to its pre-stretched look and feel.


There is a ‘pinch test’ which you can try that gives you an indication of which type of tummy tuck might be best for you. If you pinch an inch of skin above your navel and pull the skin down, the test is based on how far the skin pulls. If it reaches down as far as your pubic bone area, then this indicates significant excess skin and a full tummy tuck is probably going to be the best option.

However, the best option is to arrange a consultation with Mr Vijh or one of the Beauty Gurus surgeons. They will take a full medical history to ensure you are fit and well for surgery and assess your physical needs before advising you on which is the best procedure for you. They’ll also ensure you have realistic expectations about what can be achieved by surgery before you make that important decision to go ahead.



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